Contrasting Arctic and Mainstream Swedish Descriptions of Northern Sweden
Researchers from two Mistra Arctic Futures projects, Arctic Lessons for Sweden (led by Carina Keskitalo) and From Resource Hinterland to Global Pleasure Periphery (led by Dieter Müller) published an article on “Contrasting Arctic and Mainstream Swedish Descriptions of Northern Sweden:The View from Established Domestic Research,” in the latest edition of the well-regarded journal Arctic. In … Read more
SIPRI holds Arctic workshop in Moscow
The Stockholm Peace Research Institute’s Arctic Futures Project , in cooperation with Russia’s Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO), organized an international workshop in Moscow from 30 September to 1 October 2013 on Russia’s Strategy for Developing the Arctic Region Until 2020: Economics, Security, Environment and International Cooperation. The workshop explored key recent … Read more
Interdependence, not sovereignty, is the key to the development of Russia’s Arctic region
It has been five years since Russia adopted its comprehensive Arctic policy setting ambitious goals for the exploitation of Arctic resources, shipping along the Northern Sea Route and strengthening security in the region. While acknowledging the need for international cooperation, the policy emphasizes Russian sovereignty as a basis for Arctic development. Although strengthening Russia’s engagement … Read more