New Book: Climate Change And Flood Risk Management
Carina Keskitalo, leader of the Mistra Arctic Futures project: Preparing for and Responding to Disturbance: Lessons for Sweden edited the newly released volume Climate Change and Flood Risk Management: Adaptation and Extreme Events at the Local Level. The volume, published by Edward Elgar, discusses and problematises the integration of adaptation to climate change in flood risk … Read more
Arctic Games at EuRuCAS
Yulia Khaleeva presented the project ‘Arctic Games’ at the EuRuCAS Second International Workshop «Climate Changes in the Arctic and Northern Eurasia and Their Regional and Global Applications», November 5-6, 2013, Nansen Center in Saint Petersburg, Russia. The Nansen Center (NIERSC) in Saint Petersburg, Russia was established in 1992. Their goal is to understand, monitor and … Read more
When the Ice Breaks: Media and the Politics of Arctic Climate Change
Several of the Mistra Arctic Futures researchers, including two of the editors (Nina Wormbs and Annika Nilson) , were involved in the recently published book on Media and the Politics of Arctic Climate Change. The publisher is Palgrave Macmillan. The Arctic sea-ice reached record lows in 2007, and again in 2012. In the international news … Read more