

Economic value of ecosystem services at risk from oil spills

16 October, 2012

The Arctic is a highly important region for future oil extraction and other economic activities, including shipping. Many of the ecosystems in the Arctic are sensitive and already under pressure, and clean-up and recovery processes may be slower there compared to other regions, due to cold water, harsh weather conditions, and long distances between ports … Read more

Funding for spinn-off project – tourism in the Arctic

15 October, 2012

Albina Pashkevich, PhD., Senior Lecture in Human Geography, at the School of Technology and Business Studies, Dalarna University and Carina Keskitalo, project leader, Department of Geography and Economic History, Umeå University received funding from FORMAS for a spin-off project of the MISTRA Arctic Future’s program addressing touristic representations of indigenous populations in the Arctic. This … Read more

Mining and tourism

The research project From Resource Hinterland to Global Pleasure Periphery? Assessing the Role of Tourism for Sustainable Development in Arctic Communities has recently contributed with a radio interview. Dieter K. Müller professor at the Department of Social and economic Geography, Umeå University gave his interview to Swedish Radio P1 (3/8/12) discussing the potential competition between … Read more