
Lecture for Arctic Council’s observers

26 November, 2012

On 6 November 2012 participants from the Mistra Arctic Research programme gave a joint lecture on their work for Arctic Council observers and member states officials in Stockholm. The title was Mistra Arctic Futures: research on values and direction and the following researchers presented: Kristofer Bergh, SIPRI Scott Cole, EnviroEconomics Sweden Carina Keskitalo, Umeå University … Read more

Arctic Futures in New York Times

23 October, 2012

Linda Jakobson and Kristofer Bergh from SIPRI and the project Arctic Futures: Managing Competition and Promoting Cooperation was quoted in New York Times in an article on China’s emerging role in the melting Arctic. The news and the quote then even made it to the comedy show The Colbert report with 1.3 million viewers worldwide.


Instrument to map Sami tourism

16 October, 2012

An instrument for a telephone survey among Sami tourism entrepreneurs in Sweden in order to map constraints for Sami tourism development in northern Sweden has been developed. The survey instrument has been discussed with Visit Sapmi, the destination organization representing Sami tourism entrepreneurs. Data on constraints for Sami tourism development will be collected from all … Read more