Livestream of “Arctic futures, sustainabilities and strategic environmental research” at ICASS 2014
Mistra Arctic Futures and Mistra Arctic Sustainabilities are co-presenting a plenary panel at the International Congress of Arctic Social Scientists VIII. The purpose of this panel is to present insights from some of the projects in the initial Arctic Futures program, as well as goals for the subsequent initiative, in order to provoke discussion of … Read more
När isen släpper – ett Arktis i förvandling möter oviss framtid
Av Kristoffer Gunnartz: Efter tre års arbete har det tvärvetenskapliga forskningsprojektet Mistra Arctic Futures gått i mål. Förhoppningen är att resultaten ska hjälpa morgondagens makthavare att fatta klokare beslut kring en av världens känsligaste miljöer – Arktis. Mer här.
New job opportunities related to Mistra Arctic Sustainable Development
The first set of research positions related to Mistra Arctic Sustainable Development: New Governance for Sustainable Development in the European Arctic has been released, including doctoral, post-doctoral and research assistantships. More positions will be released later. Researchers will work with rural land use in northernmost Europe. The general research foci target the relation between natural … Read more