Welcome to a seminar and the launch of When the Ice Breaks, a book on media and the politics of Arctic climate change 21 January 2014. The Arctic sea ice reached record lows in 2007, and again in 2012. In the international news media, these moments were reflected via striking images of polar bears and crumbling ice chunks but also by maps of new shipping routes across the North Pole. Through these stories, a sharper narrative of climate change has entered the public discourse: a new global reality where the future is no longer a given. Going beyond scientific accounts of the impacts of climate change in the Arctic, Media and the Politics of Arctic Climate Change explores how historical and contemporary mediations, scientific narratives and satellite technology simultaneously capture and reconstruct this new reality of the Anthropocene, where human activities shape the planet. This book launch/seminar features some of the contributing authors and invites discussion about the linkages between science, media, environmental change and geopolitics, and about what is local and what
is global in today’s connected mediatized world. More information and registration details (for a lunch sandwich) is available here: Invitation book launch 21 Jan 2014
Stockholm Arctic Seminar and Book Launch
January 9th, 2014 | Posted by in News | Okategoriserade | PublicationYou can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 Both comments and pings are currently closed.